Do you have an online store and do not know how to make it more widespread? Email marketing can be your solution. Just by a click on a button you can reach thousands of people through email. With the arrival of Christmas, the shops are rushing to advertise their star products. The messages come in handy and pile up on the screens of consumers, but how can you promote your products and your emails do not end up marked as spam?

The recipient has to be attracted by your email, whatever you are offering or promoting. The message should be as attractive as possible, so that the potential client opens it and reads it, thus increasing the chances of success.

How to make email marketing successfully

All experts in email marketing agree that one of the keys to success is to know the recipient of the message. In this aspect segmentation comes into play, that is, you can not send the same content to your entire client portfolio, because not everyone is interested in the same, and effectively your emails will be perceived as spam by the majority. So to know your customers you must have a series of data about it. Get benefited by the online nature of your store to collect, honestly and never intrusively, more information about the users of your page. For example, in the phase of processing a purchase, you can enter a small survey on interest and hobbies of the customer. Create a record of products purchased by each customer so that later you can use it when sending promotions. These types of strategies will help you to make more personalized emails, and customers will feel better served. The frequency and timing of messages are also fundamental. The mails must have a regularity. It is not about sending an email on Tuesday and then another next Thursday, or sending four emails a week and not sending anything again in a month. As for the timing, you have to take into account in which phase the client is. The content of the messages must be completely different if the recipient is in the capturing step, in the consideration phase or the purchase phase.

Free email marketing platforms

Numerous companies are already using this new marketing strategy from different sectors, but the question that assails many new entrepreneurs is: How can I send emails in large quantities, without having to face the pilgrim job of communicating them one by one? Well, some applications perform email marketing for free, such as MailChimp, which offers a test mode, which sends emails without any cost and also has a series of tools that allow Analyze the impact your newsletters are having. Other applications like Mailrelay offer similar conditions with up to 75,000 free messages.

This series of platforms, together with a good knowledge of your market niche and the appropriate emotional approach that leads to a connection with the customer, will give you a significant increase in sales in this Christmas campaign.

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